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Who Does The Housework in Your Family?

Love it or hate it - housework must be done!

There are many possible ways to answer questions about housework IELTS speaking Part 1, below are some examples of typical responses.

Who Does the Housework in Your Family?

What housework do you usually do? IELTS Speaking Part 1

Housework IELTS speaking Part 1

What housework do you do?

I usually do the dishes, clean the kitchen cabinets and floor and bathroom.

It depends. But typically I pick up dirty laundry, unload the dishwasher, and tidy up my bedroom.

I work a lot during the day, so I can't spend a whole lot of time at home on housework.

When I am home though, cleaning the kitchen is a priority for me. My last place did not have stainless steel appliances, and it was just too easy to get them dirty with cookware splatters and spills from food prep.

It's been satisfying how much brighter looking my new kitchen is with all the stainless steel. So, each night after cooking dinner, I clean up any splatters or smudges around the sink/stove/oven areas until everything looks spotless again!

Do you like doing housework?

Yes, but no matter what people say, doing housework or household chores isn't always fun. Of course, there are some days that I enjoy doing household chores knowing that it'll be worth it in the long run, and then there are just those few days where I don't feel motivated to do any.

The trick is to find a specific chore that will give you enough satisfaction when you finish it to keep going with all the other household tasks ahead.They must be done!

Do you do housework at home?

No, not really. Putting in the time, energy, and work it takes to do housework is never my thing. I don't like doing household chores like washing dishes, vacuuming my apartment, sorting laundry, and other regular household chores. But, hey, it has to be done sometimes.

Do you often do housework?

Yes. I usually do housework every day. Some days I do laundry, sorting clothes by color, ironing them, and putting them away.

Doing dishes by hand is a tedious task, so normally I load the dishwasher and use it.

Other chores or household tasks such as mopping the floor or vacuuming require more physical activity, but it's worth it in the end. What I would like is to get one of those smart cleaning robots!

Doing household chores and maintaining your home can eventually become an enjoyable part of everyday life if you get up early enough to still have some leisure time before going to work.

What housework do you usually do?

I clean the dishes after eating, tidy up my room daily, and do my laundry.

I do all of the grocery shopping as well as meal prepping. I also take care of the laundry and general upkeep throughout the house.

Do you do housework at home?

It depends on the day. If it's a weekday, I make time to clean up before I start work in the morning.

Sometimes, if my day is long (filled with meetings), I end up running out of time and can't be bothered to do some dishes or laundry after work.

On the weekends, that gets scrapped for about 48 hours because I like sleeping in and don't like anything getting in between me and Saturday night sleep!

It's not perfect because there are times when household chores piles up, but work is my priority at the moment, so I just do what housework needs to be done here or there.

Do people in your country do much housework?

In general, I think they do less now than in the past. People are very busy, and they don't have a lot of time for housework, especially if both parents are working.

In your home, who does (most of) the housework?

My mother takes care of the majority of the housework because she is at home all day, but we all help by doing some tasks.

Do you do much (or, any) housework?

No, not really. I help my mother with cooking several times a week, and I often wash up after dinner, either with my sister or mother usually. I don't like doing housework, I think it's boring. But I do try and keep my bedroom tidy.

What housework do you like to do?

The short answer is none. I don't like housework, but it is necessary - so I do what I have to.

Is there any housework you dislike doing?

Yes, all of it, well, maybe except for cooking which I enjoy sometimes. But cooking every day can get boring very quickly. I am happy that my mother takes care of all the weekly chores like cleaning and laundry. I wouldn't want to do that.

What housework did you do when you were a child?

My mother used to teach me how to do housework. She showed me how to dust, clean the floor and do the laundry. I can remember watching her ironing clothes too. I remember cleaning my room as a child, but that was my only responsibility.

Do you think children should (learn to) do housework? (Why?/Why not?)

I think it's a good idea to learn how to, but maybe not a good idea that kids are expected to do a lot of it. I mean, it's a good idea to know how to do it, but it's better that children are studying or playing rather than doing housework, if possible.

Do you think it's important for children to do housework?

It's a good way of teaching them some responsibility like I had to keep my room clean and tidy when I was a child. There are other things which are more important though.

Do you think it's important for young people to help do the family housework?

I think it's nice when young people offer to do it, it's like working in a team, and if you live in your family home then it's good to contribute such as helping out around the home.

Do people in your country have much time to do housework?

Nowadays, most people have less and less time for housework or domestic chores. We are always looking for ways to reduce the number of things we have to do - or find ways to do things faster or easier. That's why we have modern domestic appliances like washing machines, microwave ovens and such.

How much time do people in your country spend doing housework?

I think it varies a lot. Maybe some family members spend a lot of time on it, but others don't. I don't know anyone who loves doing it - they do it because it's necessary. I think if they had the opportunity to have someone else do it, they would be happy. I only spend around two hours a week on housework; I get bored with it very quickly.

Who does the housework in your family?

That's an interesting question. My wife does the most housework in our family, but I also do some work. We tend to divide the chore list between us.

What types of tasks does your wife do?

She washes dishes, sweeps and mops floors, takes care of our children (when I'm working), cooks dinner every night, you know all the usual stuff. Sometimes if she has plans with friends after work, I'll make dinner for us before she gets home. We both take care of putting the kids to bed.

What kinds of things do you do?

I make sure there are clean clothes for everyone when they need them, fix anything that's broken around the house, vacuum sometimes, and do whatever else needs doing.

Who does the most housework in your family?

In my family, my mom does the most housework. She's always cleaning something or doing laundry.

My dad pitches in when he can, but he works a lot so he's not home as much as my mom. My sister and I help out too, but we're still kids so we don't do as much as our parents.

What do most people think about housework?

Some people love it, and some people hate it. There are those who see it as a necessary evil, and others who find it to be therapeutic. No matter what your opinion is, there's no denying that housework needs to be done!

Many people find housework to be boring, tedious, and time-consuming.

Do you do housework for your family?

Yes, I need to because I live with my mother and she is incapacitated. So, I help out around the house as much as I can. Even though I don't like doing it, I know it needs to be done.

What are some ways you make housework more bearable?

I try to find ways to make it more fun. For example, I listen to music or podcasts while I'm cleaning. I also try to break up the work so I'm not doing too much at once. For example, I'll clean the kitchen one day and then vacuum the next day.

Do you think housework is a waste of time?

No, I think it's necessary to keep a clean and orderly home. But I also think that there are better ways to spend one's time.

What is your least favorite chore?

My least favorite chore would have to be cleaning the toilets. It's not the most glamorous job, but somebody has to do it!

Talk about the benefits of sharing housework

There are definitely benefits to sharing housework with roommates, family members, or a significant other.

  • It can lighten the load so that no one person is stuck doing all the cleaning.
  • Also, it can be a great way to bond with others and build relationships.
  • Plus, it's just nice to have some help sometimes.
  • Sharing the load can also make things get done faster and more efficiently.

  • Who does most of the household chores in your family?

    Depending on the family, it can vary. In my family, my parents do most of the household chores such as cooking, cleaning and laundry. My siblings and I also help with these tasks when we can. We have a system in place that ensures everyone is helping out where they can and taking on certain responsibilities to make sure everything runs smoothly.

    What housework do you like or dislike doing?

    I like doing laundry and vacuuming because these tasks make the house look neat and tidy. On the other hand, I dislike cleaning the bathroom and taking out the garbage as they both require a lot of effort. However, if it needs to be done, then I will do my best to complete them.

    What are the benefits of sharing housework? or What benefits do you think you can get from sharing housework?

    There are many benefits to sharing housework.

    First, it allows couples to spend more quality time together, as they take turns doing chores and tasks. This can help cultivate a stronger relationship and open up opportunities for meaningful conversations and activities.

    Secondly, sharing housework also helps reduce stress and improve overall mental health, as it takes the burden off of one person to do all of the chores, which can be exhausting.

    Additionally, it helps foster a sense of teamwork and encourages partners to take responsibility for their own actions.

    Finally, sharing housework can help create a healthier household by cutting down on messes and clutter, as well as allowing both partners to have the same standards when it comes to cleanliness.

    What housework do you like or dislike?

    Personally, I enjoy doing housework such as cooking and cleaning. I find it very satisfying and calming to have a clean space around me.

    On the other hand, I don't particularly enjoy washing dishes or laundry. It can become tedious after a while and put a damper on my day. Nevertheless, I do acknowledge that household chores are essential for maintaining a healthy and organized home.

    So, I try to stay motivated and find ways to make the task more enjoyable for me. For example, listening to my favorite music while doing laundry or having conversations with friends while washing dishes can help break up the monotony of it all.

    Did you do some house cleaning when you were young?

    Yes, I did some house cleaning when I was young. Growing up, my parents taught me the importance of tidying up and keeping our home clean.

    My chores included vacuuming and dusting all the rooms in the house, washing dishes after meals, and doing laundry. I also helped with yard work like mowing the lawn or trimming the bushes.

    I took pride in helping out around the house, and it helped to instill a sense of responsibility that I carried with me into adulthood.

    Do you feel people in your country have enough time to do housework?

    No, not generally. There's never enough time to do it all. The worst thing is that you can do all the housework one week - and then next week it needs doing again. It's repetitive, and it is always waiting to be done. I think a lot of family members would love it if you could eliminate housework.

    Do you think people like doing their own housework?

    Really, I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone personally who actually 'likes' doing household chores. Family members do it because it has to be done. I know some families that have a maid or domestic assistant who does all the housework for them. But all my friends hate doing it, and I think that's quite common. If you could find a way of making housework interesting, people might like doing it - but it just seems such a waste of time! That's why companies havde invented smart cleaning robots to replace humans. Now, that's a super idea!

    Questions about household chores IELTS speaking

    Who usually does the housework in your family?

    In my family, housework is a team effort and everyone pitches in. My mom usually takes charge of the kitchen, creating all sorts of culinary delights. My dad, on the other hand, is a wizard with vacuuming and dusting; he finds cleaning therapeutic.

    As for me and my younger sibling, we are in charge of our rooms, and we help with the dishes or laundry. We've all got our roles, and it somehow works out.

    We believe in sharing the responsibilities and this has kept our home tidy and brought us closer as a family.

    Who does most of the chores in your household?

    My grandmother does most of the chores in our household. She is retired and has a lot of free time, so she enjoys doing things around the house. She says it keeps her active and mentally sharp.

    Who does the household chores in your family?

    We have a person who comes in to do most of our housework for us. It's great not having to worry about it! We all help out with the cooking and cleaning though. It's a team effort!

    In our family, we have a rule that everyone must do their fair share of chores. We all help out around the house, and no one person is stuck doing all the work.

    Do you think men and women should share the household chores equally?

    I think it depends on the situation. In some households, it makes sense for the woman to do more of the chores because she is not working outside the home. In other households, it makes sense for the man to do more.

    What are some of the chores that you have to do regularly?

    I have to help with the laundry, cleaning, and cooking. I also have to take out the trash and do the grocery shopping.

    Do you enjoy doing chores?

    I don't mind doing chores, but I wouldn't say that I enjoy it. I can think of a lot of other things I would rather be doing.

    What are some of the benefits of doing chores?

    I think it's important to do chores because it teaches responsibility and helps to keep the household running smoothly. It can also be a way to bond with family members or roommates.

    What are some of the common household chores?

    Some common household chores include cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and taking care of any pets.

    What are some common household chores that family members usually share

    In many families, like mine, common household chores are shared among all members. It not only promotes responsibility but also encourages teamwork. Here are some examples:

    • Dishwashing: After each meal, someone is responsible for washing the dishes while another member dries and puts them away.
    • Laundry: This can be a weekly task where one person is responsible for washing, another for drying, and everyone folds their own clothes.
    • Cooking: Some families choose to rotate this duty, with a different member preparing meals each day.
    • Grocery Shopping: While parents usually do the majority of grocery shopping, the kids can also help by creating the shopping list or accompanying them to the store.
    • Cleaning Bathrooms: This is a task often rotated among older family members, ensuring everyone gets a turn.
    • Mowing the Lawn and Gardening: If the family has a yard, maintaining it can be a shared chore. One person might mow the lawn while others help with weeding or planting flowers.
    • Taking Out Trash: Each person might be responsible for taking out the trash in their room, with one designated person taking out the kitchen trash and bringing the cans to the curb on pick-up day.

    I've found that sharing these tasks not only divides the workload but also fosters a sense of unity and helping each other, which is a great life lesson.

    Do you think that children should be required to do chores?

    I think it's a good idea for children to do chores because it can help them to learn about responsibility and helping out around the house. It can also give them a sense of accomplishment.

    Do you have any tips for making chore time more enjoyable?

    One tip might be to listen to music or an audiobook while doing chores. This can help to pass the time and make it more enjoyable.

    Another tip might be to set a timer for yourself and see how quickly you can complete the chore. This can add a bit of friendly competition and make the time go by faster.

    Finally, you could try breaking up your chores into smaller tasks so that you don't feel overwhelmed. For example, if you need to vacuum the entire house, you could start with just one room. Completing smaller tasks can help to boost your motivation and make it feel less daunting.

    Household chores essay

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