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How to Write a Problem Solution Essay

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What is a Problem Solution Essay?

A problem solution essay is a common essay type, often used for short essays like subject exams or IELTS. This type of essay presents a specific problem and proposes a solution, with a clear structure and example. Problem solution essays help to find solutions to personal, societal, or global problems.

Common problem solution essay topics




Student loan debt

Illegal immigration

Environmental issues

Mental health

Gun violence

Climate change

Cost of living

Drug abuse

Air pollution

High taxes

Childhood obesity



Cycle lanes

Youth culture

How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay

How to tackle a problem solution essay question? What are the key points to know?

Analyzing the question

  • When you are given a problem solution essay, first determine the type: one problem/cause and solution or two.
  • Then, identify the problem that needs solving.

Generating Ideas

  • Brainstorm multiple solutions to the problem.
  • Consider the pros and cons of each proposed solution.

Planning the essay

  • When you have a few ideas, you can start to outline your essay.
  • Consider the tone and audience for the essay.
  • In your essay, you will want to explain the problem and why it needs to be solved.
  • You will also want to discuss potential challenges your proposed solutions and why you think they would be effective.
  • Be sure to back up your claims with evidence and reasoning. Finally, conclude your essay by discussing the implications of your proposed solution or solutions.

Writing the Introduction

  • A good problem solution essay begins starts with a "hook" to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Provide background information on the topic.
  • Clearly state the problem and its significance.

Thesis Statement

  • Present a clear and concise thesis statement.
  • Outline the main points of the essay.
  • Provide a roadmap for the reader.

Developing the Main Body Paragraphs

  • Present a claim or argument related to the problem.
  • Provide evidence that supports the claim.
  • Analyze the evidence and explain its significance.

Addressing Counterarguments

  • Anticipate counterarguments to the proposed solution.
  • Address potential counterarguments with a balanced perspective.
  • Show that what the essay proposes is the most viable solution.

Providing effective solutions

  • Present one or more practical solutions to the problem.
  • Explain how the solution(s) will address the problem.
  • Provide examples or case studies to support the solution(s).

Problem Solution Essay Example

  • Use a real-life example to illustrate the problem and solution.
  • Show how the solution was implemented and its impact.
  • Use this example to support the proposed solution.

Writing the Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points of your problem solving essay.
  • Restate (paraphrase )the thesis statement.
  • End your final paragraph with a final thought or call to action.

Finalizing the Essay

  • Review the essay for logical flow and coherence.
  • Ensure that the main points are clearly stated and supported.
  • Edit the essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
  • Use academic writing conventions and formatting.

Example Problem Solution Essay

Caring For The Elderly Essay - Problem Solution Essay Example

Family members and friends caring for elderly parents find it hard to spend enough time looking after them.
What are the causes of this problem? What solutions can you suggest?

Problem Solution Essay Writing in English

When caring for elderly parents, many families find it hard to balance work and home life. Juggling work responsibilities and taking care of an elderly parent or relative can be difficult, but family members must take some time to care for them.

Spending quality time with loved ones is crucial, especially as they get older. Here are a few tips on finding time for your elderly family member without neglecting your other responsibilities.

The primary causes for family and friends feeling challenged when looking after the elderly are work commitments, childcare issues, and lack of support.

Ensuring that elderly relatives get the appropriate care needed is imperative to maintaining a healthy living environment for everyone. Meeting their daily basic needs is vital so that you don't have to worry about whether or not they are being adequately cared for at home.

Having an elderly relative in the house can be challenging but also rewarding. Try out these suggestions for keeping up with everything.

It takes a lot of effort to look after the elderly, and finding time outside of work hours can be difficult. If you find yourself struggling, then consider hiring someone who can come into your loved one's home during these times to take some of the pressure off you.

Other possible solutions include setting aside specific times each day or week when you can dedicate yourself fully to caring for them. It might be a morning when you don't have to go to work or an evening after dinner. Programming specific times to care for them will help you plan better.

Another solution might be to try and optimize the time you spend with an elderly loved one. If the person needs help showering, for example, using an integrated seat can make this easier on both of you. Using equipment like this might mean that the person can stay in their own home rather than move into a care facility. Finding a way to balance your time will make caring for your elderly loved one easier.

Also, consider communication when looking after senior citizens with dementia. Their condition means they may find it difficult to remember things or follow what is going on around them. In these cases, communication can be key even though it might seem unimportant.

Finally, the person providing care must have a break from time to time to avoid exhaustion. Enlist the help of another family member or friend if necessary, but you should also consider involving an agency if the carer feels they have become too overwhelmed by everything.

If you envisage a situation in which it may become too much for you and your elderly loved one, consider calling a private care agency at the earliest opportunity.


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