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IELTS Speaking Tips | 6 Ways to Get A Better Score in IELTS

IELTS Speaking Tips

In the IELTS test, the speaking section is quite short (it takes less than a quarter of an hour), but it does tend to cause candidates a lot of nerves for IELTS students. Are you ready for it?

Here are 6 strategies to enable you to successfully confront the face-to-face IELTS speaking interview with the examiner:

1. Make a good impression and look the IELTS interviewer in the eye

Difficult as it might be, smile! Talk with enthusiasm and confidence. The first impression is very important and may predispose the IELTS examiner favourably. Also, be sure to maintain eye contact with the examiner: look him/her in the eyes throughout the IELTS speaking test.

2. Listen to IELTS questions carefully

It is important to understand the questions before beginning to speak your response: listen carefully to the interviewer. If the question is not clear, ask the examiner to repeat it to you. They do not penalize you for it (unless you do it every time!). Also, if the examiner proposes to talk about a topic that you don't know anything about, you can indicate this to the examiner so that they can change the topic.

3. Focus on speaking well, not the content

When you speak, answer the question, but focus on speaking well rather than worrying too much about the exact content of your answer or making grammar mistakes. In the IELTS speaking test, the examiner will not evaluate your IELTS speaking score based on your knowledge of a topic (there is NO wrong answer!), but how you express yourself speaking in English.

4. Try and develop your answers

Do not simply respond to the questions in monosyllables (very short answers). You have to extend your answers appropriately. You should speak more than the examiner. Remember that the time allowed is to demonstrate your speaking skills: not to stay silent. And do not take prepared answers: it is extremely easy for the examiner to detect this.

5. Take care of your pronunciation and your accent

Your pronunciation can tell more than you think. Good pronunciation will lead the examiner to think that your English is good; maybe better than it really is! On the contrary, your English can be very correct grammatically, but if your pronunciation is not good, it will give the impression that your English is not so good and possibly make it difficult for the examiner to understand you easily.

Don't forget that the IELTS oral English test will evaluate how you communicate effectively in English, not only grammatical range and accuracy.

6. Preparation is the key: speak English frequently


Your spoken English should be fluid and natural. And the only way of acquiring fluency with language is to practice speaking it and learn appropriate vocabulary. So speak English frequently: search for somebody whose native language is English to practice with. Note how they use natural expressions and 'filler words' when speaking. You can even practice your English language skills by speaking in front of the mirror, speaking out loud, or by recording yourself and then listening to it.

Authentic IELTS Exam Practice

Spend lots of time giving example responses on typical IELTS speaking topics. The more - the better! Specific IELTS speaking preparation is what will give you confidence to tackle any topic in the real speaking test, even if it isn't a particularly interesting question.

Pre-IELTS Warm Up

Just like an athlete before a sports event - IELTS test takers should warm up by speaking English immediately before the test so that the change of language in your head is already underway. That way it does not appear as if speaking English is a great mental effort, and it does not appear that you are constantly translating from your mother tongue to English.

Good luck with your IELTS speaking exam!