Words define the scope and depth of our understanding. Having a rich vocabulary in English is essential to master the language.
Learning new vocabulary will help you improve your speaking skills and understanding of English.
Here are some tips to help you improve your vocabulary and sound more like a native English speaker.
4 steps to improve your vocabulary in English
1. Make learning new words a priority
You need to keep learning and memorizing words if you want to remember them. Just like seeds, if you don't take care of them, they will die.
How to do it?
Try to learn 5 new words every day. That way, you can memorize a lot of words each week. You could also try to learn the 500 most common words used by native English speakers.
You can identify new words when you read English material, like newspapers, blogs, academic texts, and so on. You can use a good English dictionary to help you understand these words.
2. Learn practical vocabulary
Start by thinking about the vocabulary that is important to you. This could be related to your profession, your occupation, or your hobbies.
If you want to learn vocabulary about the sport you practice, identify the most used words in the rules and training.
How to do it?
Memories are connections. To make sure you don't forget a word, associate it with another word you already know in English.
For example, the word 'responsibility' – try to relate it in a sentence you can remember: my responsibility at work is to serve customers.
3. Relate new vocabulary with images
When you have written the new vocabulary in a diary or app, the next step is to connect the sound of each word with its meaning.
The best option is to relate the word to an image because a strong image stays in your mind for a long time.
How to do it?
A good option is to relate the meaning of the word to the image of an object or an action.
For example, with the word 'newborn', you can imagine an object that is new – and used by a baby, like a pacifier in its original package/box.
4. Use the new vocabulary actively and remember it
The more you use something, the longer it will stay in your mind. Try to use the new vocabulary in different ways and contexts.
How to do it?
Include the new words in different phrases. For example, when you are walking to your apartment, the subway station, or when you are at a traffic light, remember the word and create a dialogue with it.
Another way to practice your new word is to tell your friends about it. Use it in descriptions when you talk to them. You can also practice it with people you meet online.
If you want to improve and increase your vocabulary in English it is necessary, that you have learning tools.
Use an app on your mobile to learn English. Use memory cards. Record yourself speaking the word in a sentence – and listen to it every day for a few weeks until you can remember how to use it.