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Writing Practice IELTS | Task 2 | All Writing Tips You Need To Know

This writing practice IELTS Task 2 essay question explores whether dress code or work quality is more important to employers.

Writing Practice IELTS Task 2: Dress Code or Work Quality?

IELTS Writing Task 2
Some people think that employers should not care about the way their employees dress because what matters is the quality of their work.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

How to Tackle this IELTS Task 2 Essay Question

Understand the Question

  • Focus: The question asks if how employees dress matters.
  • Task: You must agree or disagree and give reasons.
  • Key words: employers, dress, work quality.

Plan Your Essay

  • Introduction: Clearly state your opinion (agree or disagree).
  • Body Paragraph 1: Give reasons for your opinion.
  • Body Paragraph 2: Provide examples to support your reasons.
  • Conclusion: Restate your opinion and summarize key points.

Tips for Writing

  • Be clear and direct: Say what you mean simply.
  • Use linking words: Connect your ideas smoothly (e.g., however, furthermore).
  • Give examples: Real-life examples make your writing interesting.
  • Vary sentence structure: Avoid sounding repetitive.
  • Check your grammar: Mistakes can lower your score.

Things to Avoid

  • Don't be too personal: Focus on general ideas, not your own life.
  • Don't copy the question: Use your own words.
  • Don't write less than 250 words: You need enough to explain your ideas.

Example Structure

  • I agree that employers should focus on work quality, not dress code.
Body Paragraph 1:
  • Dress code doesn't show job skills.
  • People should be judged by their work, not appearance.
Body Paragraph 2:
  • Some jobs need certain clothes (e.g., doctors, chefs).
  • Most jobs don't require a specific dress code.
  • In conclusion, work quality is more important than dress.
  • Employers should value skills and results, not outfits.

Don't forget, doing regular writing practice for IELTS is essential. Write as often as you can to improve your score on test day.

IELTS Writing Practice Task Sample Answer

The notion that employers should prioritize work quality over employee attire is a subject of considerable debate. While it is undeniable that performance is the ultimate measure of an employee's worth, the influence of appearance cannot be entirely dismissed.

Undoubtedly, an individual's skills, knowledge, and dedication are the fundamental determinants of their job success. A relaxed dress code can foster a more comfortable and creative work environment, potentially boosting productivity. Moreover, in industries where innovation is paramount, such as technology or design, a casual atmosphere can stimulate original thinking. For instance, companies like Google and Facebook have famously adopted casual dress codes, often cited as contributors to their innovative cultures.

However, the impact of appearance cannot be ignored. In roles that involve significant client interaction, professional attire can enhance trust and credibility. For example, a financial advisor dressed in a suit might be perceived as more competent and reliable. Furthermore, a uniform dress code can foster a sense of unity and team cohesion, which is essential for effective collaboration.

It is important to note, however, that the appropriateness of a dress code varies across different industries and organizational cultures. While a formal dress code might be essential in law or finance, a more relaxed approach could be suitable in creative fields. Ultimately, the most effective dress code is one that aligns with the company's values, goals, and the nature of its work.

In conclusion, while work quality undoubtedly forms the bedrock of employment, the significance of dress code cannot be entirely overlooked. A balanced approach that considers both performance and presentation is crucial for creating a harmonious and successful workplace. By carefully considering the specific context of an organization, employers can strike an optimal balance between these two factors.

How would you answer this Task 2 IELTS writing practice essay question?

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