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Task 2 Writing Practice for IELTS | Essay and Sample Answer

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Here’s a writing practice for IELTS exercise for a Task 2 question (with sample answer). Try to answer it in your own words.

You have to complete IELTS essay writing tasks in 40 minutes because you also have to answer Task 1 question in the one hour time given for both tasks.

Writing Practice for IELTS

Writing Task 2

Young people are spending more and more time and money nowadays following fashion trends. Is this a positive or a negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer

In recent years young people have become more and more obsessed with following the latest fashion trends, spending a lot of time and money to be in style. Some may argue that this encourages creativity and self expression, I think this is mostly negative because of its financial and social implications.

Firstly, following fashion trends can be financially damaging for young people. Many of today’s fashion items are expensive, especially from big brands, and young people, especially students, can’t afford them. This leads to irresponsible financial habits such as overspending or using credit which can lead to long term debt. For example, a recent survey showed that a big percentage of young adults in the UK have credit card debt mostly because of unnecessary clothing purchases.

Secondly, following fashion trends can create harmful social dynamics. In many cases those who can’t afford to keep up with the latest styles feel excluded or judged by their peers. This can worsen social inequality as those who are wealthier have access to better clothes and are perceived more positively while those with less money are stigmatised. Moreover, the fast fashion industry which produces cheap clothes at a rapid pace also has negative environmental impact. Young people by participating in this cycle are indirectly contributing to environmental degradation as fast fashion is one of the world’s biggest polluters.

In conclusion, while fashion can be self expression, following trends among young people is a negative development. It leads to financial difficulties and social inequality and environmental issues. So we need to encourage responsible spending habits and awareness about fast fashion.

Analysis According to Official IELTS Marking Criteria

Task Achievement

The essay answers the question by taking a clear stance: that the trend of young people following fashion is negative. It provides relevant examples to support the points, like financial burden of expensive fashion items and social exclusion due to not being able to keep up with trends. The conclusion summarizes the argument well and is coherent throughout.

Band score: 8-9

Coherence and Cohesion

The essay is well organised with introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. Each paragraph focuses on one main idea and the transitions between ideas are smooth with linking words like "firstly", "secondly" and "in conclusion". So the essay is easy to follow and logically structured.

Band score: 8-9

Lexical Resource

A good range of vocabulary is used naturally and accurately. Words like "detrimental", "exacerbate" and "environmental degradation" show lexical sophistication. Phrases like "keep up with the latest styles" and "irresponsible financial habits" show good understanding of topic specific vocabulary. The language is varied and used appropriately without repetition.

Band score: 8-9

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

The essay is almost error free. Complex sentences like "those who can’t afford to keep up with the latest styles may feel excluded or judged by their peers" are used correctly. There’s no subject-verb agreement, verb tense or punctuation errors. Simple and complex sentences are combined well to make the essay readable.

Band score: 8-9


This essay would get high band score in IELTS writing test, maybe 8 or 9, according to IELTS marking criteria. It answers the task well with good arguments, is coherent and cohesive, uses good range of vocabulary and is almost error free.

IELTS Writing Test FAQ

What are the two tasks in IELTS Academic Test?

IELTS Writing Test has two tasks. Task 1 is about visual information like graph, chart, table or diagram and Task 2 is opinion, discussion or solution to problem.

What’s the difference between IELTS Academic Writing Test and IELTS General Writing Test?

The main difference is in Task 1. In Academic Writing Test, Task 1 is about describing and explaining data, process or stages of something using charts, graphs or tables. In IELTS General Writing Test, Task 1 is a letter. Task 2 is essay in both tests.

How can I use practice tests?

Practice tests help you get used to the format and instructions so you can practice writing under time pressure. Use sample answers and model answers to compare your answer and see where you can improve.

What kind of visual information will I describe in IELTS Academic Task 1?

In IELTS Academic Task 1 you will describe data in a graph, chart, table or diagram. Sometimes you will also have to explain a process or stages of something.

Do I have to give my opinion in every Task 2 essay?

No, not all Task 2 questions ask for your opinion. Some ask you to discuss both sides of an issue or suggest solutions. Always read the instructions carefully to know what’s required.

How can I improve my grammar in the writing test?

To improve your grammar, write complex sentences without errors and make sure your verb tenses are correct. Practice full answers and check your work against model answers to see how grammar is used.

Can I take IELTS Writing Test on computer?

Yes, you can choose to take IELTS Writing Test on computer. The tasks and instructions are the same but you will type your answers instead of writing by hand.

How important is the overview in Academic Task 1?

The overview is a key part of IELTS Academic Task 1. It’s a summary of the main trends or comparisons in the data. Without a clear overview you can lose marks for Task Achievement.

What to focus on when taking the test?

For the test day, focus on time management, following the instructions and making sure your answers are clear and well-structured. Use practice tests and videos to know what to expect.

How to compare objects or data in Task 1?

When comparing objects or data in Task 1, highlight the main differences and similarities. Use specific vocabulary to explain how one is higher, lower or more than another based on the visual information.

Where can I find sample answers?

Sample answers and model answers are in IELTS preparation books, online resources and official practice materials. These have high-scoring answers for both Academic and General Writing Tests.

What kind of evidence to include in Task 2 essays?

In Task 2 essays use examples from your own experience, general knowledge or data to support your opinion. Strong evidence makes your opinion or discussion more convincing.

What’s the answer sheet like?

The answer sheet is where you write your answers for Task 1 and Task 2. Make sure to write clearly and within the word limit.

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