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Advertising Essay Topics | Opinion Essay About Advertising

Advertising Essay

In a competitive market, businesses need to promote their products in order to gain potential customers and create a positive impression. All those advertised goods on television programs or the internet seem to be very popular and we tend to think that everyone uses them. However, this is not always the case. Advertisements exist for a reason: they are a profitable investment that can generate a lot of revenue for businesses.

There are various forms of advertisements, from favourite stars promoting alcohol to customers giving a review of a new product. Each advertisement creates influences to persuade potential customers to buy a product or service. The techniques used in these ads vary, but they all aim to persuade the viewer into thinking that the product is necessary or better than the competition.

The problem with advertisements is that they often show an artificial demand for a product and they have evolved over time. The industrial revolution led to the development of mass media, which allowed businesses to reach a larger audience with their advertising messages. This was a major shift from the traditional commercial methods of advertising, such as word-of-mouth, flyers, and posters.

With the advent of television, radio, and the internet, businesses now have even more ways to reach potential customers. However, not all advertisements are created equal. There are good and bad points to each; some are more effective than others, and some are more likely to lead to sales.

The most effective advertisements are those that are able to capture the attention of the viewer and hold it long enough to deliver the message. This can be done through a number of different techniques, such as using attractive visuals, catchy music, or humorous content.

Advertisers also need to consider the target audience for their product or service. They need to determine what age group, gender, or income level is most likely to be interested in what they have to offer. Once this information is known, they can create an advertisement that appeals to that particular group.

Finally, advertisers need to make sure that their ad is placed in a location where it will be seen by as many people as possible. Even luxury and superior quality products that are not continually advertised lose their appeal to consumers. This means choosing the right television channel, radio station, or website to host their ad.

Advertising is big business, the entire production cost for a top-level advertising campaign can easily exceed $100 million. Advertisers are constantly looking for new ways to reach their target consumers, and they are willing to pay top dollar for the opportunity to do so.

Is advertising a necessary evil in our modern world? It supports many different industries and employs many creatives from professional writers to photographers and marketing experts. It also provides a needed service to the consumer by informing them about products and services that they may be interested in.

Advertisement Essay Topics

  • Describe the perfect television commercial.
  • What would be the ultimate product or service to advertise?
  • How does advertising influence our purchasing decisions?
  • What are some of the most controversial advertisements?
  • What are the pros and cons of advertising?
  • Is there such a thing as too much advertising?
  • What effect does advertising have on society?
  • Is advertising art or science?
  • How has technology changed the way we see advertisements?
  • Can advertising be used to sell products we don't need?

Ideas for Writing an Advertising Essay

Advantages of Advertising Essay

Points to include:

  • How advertising affects our purchasing decisions
  • The pros and cons of advertising
  • How technology has made adverting a more personal experience
  • Can advertising be used to sell products we don't need?

Disadvantages of Advertising Essay

Points to include:

  • How too much advertising can be harmful
  • The most controversial advertisements
  • How advertising can have a negative effect on society

Opinion Essay about Advertising

Essay outline in bullet points:

  • Is advertising always necessary?
  • What are the benefits of advertising?
  • What are the drawbacks of advertising?
  • What is your opinion on advertising?

Essay about Advertising a Product

Essay outline:

  • How effective is advertising?
  • What are the benefits of advertising a product?
  • What are the drawbacks of advertising a product?
  • Is it ethical to advertise some products?

Advertising Problems and Solutions Essay

Essay outline

  • What are the problems with advertising?
  • How can these problems be solved?
  • Is it possible to completely eliminate the problems with advertising?
  • What is your opinion on advertising?

Advertising and Consumerism Essay

Essay outline in bullet points:

  • How does advertising affect consumers?
  • Is advertising a positive or negative force in the world?
  • What are some examples of good and bad advertising?
  • How can advertising be used more effectively?
  • What is your opinion on advertising and consumerism?

Advertisement Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Essay outline

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising?
  • Is advertising a positive or negative force in the world?
  • What are some examples of good and bad advertising?
  • How can advertising be used more effectively?
  • What is your opinion on advertising?

Argumentative Essay on Advertisement

Essay outline:

  1. Introduction: Hook + Topic + Thesis
  2. Body Paragraph 1: Point 1 + Evidence
  3. Body Paragraph 2: Point 2 + Evidence
  4. Body Paragraph 3: Point 3 + Evidence
  5. Conclusion: Restate Thesis + Summary of Points

Now let's flesh out these ideas a bit more.

Argumentative essays are all about convincing your reader to see things from your perspective. In order to do this, you'll need to make use of strong persuasive language, as well as solid evidence to back up your claims.

Your first step, then, is to come up with a good hook to start your essay off. A hook is a brief, attention-grabbing opening that can either be a rhetorical question, shocking statistic, or interesting story. Once you have your reader's attention, you need to introduce them to the topic of your essay and your thesis statement.

Your thesis statement is the main argument of your essay - it should be clear, and concise, and explain what you'll be discussing in your paper.

After your introduction, it's time to start developing your argument.

In each body paragraph, you'll want to focus on one main point that supports your thesis statement.

Make sure to include evidence from both primary and secondary sources to back up your claims.

Once you've made your argument, it's time to wrap up your essay with a conclusion.

Your conclusion should briefly restate your main points and leave your reader with a final thought or call to action.

With these tips in mind, you're ready to start writing your own persuasive essay. Good luck!

Opinion Essay about Advertising

People buy a product if it fulfills their needs, there is no need for advertisements
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Advertising Essay


People buy products for their benefit and not to please the advertisers. While advertisements may be entertaining, they are, in large part, unnecessary.

In today's world, people purchase products that meet their needs and have no need for advertisements. Is advertising really necessary, or just a form of entertainment? Many people believe that marketing and advertising are essential to inform potential consumers about new products. Advertising may also influence the decisions of those who have already made a purchase. Effectively confirming their good choice.

The benefits of advertisements for a company are pretty clear: the consumers can inform themselves about a product and make sure they know how to use it when they come across it.

People buy what they need; they do not need ads to tell them that they should purchase something because they are already seeking out this type of thing before the advertisements even appears on TV. People want what will satisfy their desires and fulfil their needs when purchasing an item. They can find many products online with just a single click or tap. Unless they are unaware of the product before seeing an ad, there is no need for a company to spend much money on them. People only buy things that satisfy their needs and desires. Overall, my opinion is that advertisements do have some benefits, in some cases. One example is informing potential consumers about new products. Ads may also help in influencing the decisions of those who are as yet undecided. People need to know about products and services before deciding if an item or service will satisfy their needs. Also, people may not have enough information on a certain item. For example, advertising a new food product could lead people to buy it just because of how great it looks.

Some people might argue that advertisements are useless and necessary to publicize a product and make it accessible. The director of marketing at Hermès, Yann Larhery argues that an advertisement is not essential if the original product did its job. In his opinion, there is no need for commercial support when people buy something because they have fulfilled their needs.

We like to think of ourselves as intelligent and savvy consumers, but the truth is we are creatures of habit who can be swayed or moved one way or another by any number of things: advertising campaigns, peer pressure, celebrity endorsement. Advertising is vital even with a high-quality product. It informs the public about new launches as well as helping them to choose the right brand.

Advertising Essay Discussion Questions

  • What are your thoughts on advertising that appears in news feeds?
  • What brands do you like? Why?
  • Do advertisers focus too much on millennials?
  • How often do you purchase products advertised online?
  • Which advertisements do you find to be most memorable and catchy?