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How to Describe a Diagram in 150 words

In the IELTS Academic writing test, you are often asked to describe (in 150 words) a process shown in a diagram.

How To Describe A Process In 150 Words

  • You need to be clear, concise and accurate in your description.
  • Identify the main elements/steps in the process.
  • Consider the sequence of steps/events.
  • Think about synonyms to use instead of words in the question/diagram.
  • Use 'passive voice' to describe the process.
  • Use time markers like initially, then, afterwards, subsequently, finally to show the order of the process.
  • Keep it impersonal: it's not about what you did, but about what is done. Avoid using I, we, you.

How To Practice Describing A Process For The IELTS Exam?

Think about any process you do daily or frequently, like making a cup of coffee, cooking a meal, filling your car with gas, etc.

Then, try to describe it in approximately 150 words in as much detail as possible.

Example: How a cup of coffee is made

  • The process of brewing a cup of coffee using a machine starts with the placement of a paper or reusable filter in the filter basket.
  • Next, coffee grounds, typically one tablespoon per 6 ounces of water, are added to the filter.
  • Fresh, cold water is poured into the water reservoir of the machine.
  • Once the machine is switched on, the water in the reservoir is heated until it reaches the correct temperature.
  • The heated water is then dripped over the coffee grounds in the filter and seeps through, extracting the flavour and essence of the coffee.
  • The liquid coffee then collects in a carafe, kept warm on a hot plate.
  • As the last step, the coffee is poured into a cup and is ready for consumption.
  • In this way, a coffee machine simplifies and automates the process of brewing a perfect cup of coffee.

IELTS Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram shows the stages and equipment used in the process of converting methane gas to electricity.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features of the process.

Write at least 150 words.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Sample Answer

>Conversion of methane gas into electricity

Sample Answer

The diagram represents the various steps involved in the conversion of methane gas, which is obtained from waste, into electricity which can then be distributed and used by consumers.

The first step in the process is the dumping of rubbish in the landfill site. The waste is delivered in large trucks which then tip the rubbish into an excavated hole in the landfill site.

Next, as the waste decomposes, it releases methane gas which is collected from the landfill site through a system of connected tubes which are buried in the ground close to the landfill site. The gas is then drawn up into a cylindrical storage tank to be processed.

The gas storage tank is used to feed the methane gas into the production plant which converts the methane to electricity.

Finally, the electricity is ready to be transmitted through a series of pylons to the electric distribution grid where it will be carried to various destinations.


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