Cambridge Business English Certificate Tips to improve your score in the BEC Vantage speaking test Cambridge Business English Certificate Speaking Test The BEC speaking test lasts for approximately 16 minutes. BEC speaking test candidates are interviewed with a partner and two examiners are involved in the process: one examiner who asks all the questions and the other who evaluates the speaking ability of each candidate. The Cambridge Business English (BEC) speaking has 3 parts ... BEC Speaking Test Part 1 The examiner will ask you some simple introductory questions, and then a couple of questions related to your work: one of the work related questions will be more personal and the other more general. Example Questions BEC Speaking Test Part 1 Where are you from? Why are you doing the BEC exam? Do you have a job at present? Is it difficult to find employment in your country? BEC Speaking Tips Your answers should always be relevant Try not to give answers...