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Showing posts with the label dissertation writing help

How to Plan Your Dissertation or Thesis

Planning and Starting your Dissertation or Thesis The importance of good planning in dissertation or thesis writing cannot be over emphasized. Research has shown that in many cases dissertation writer, especially those whose first language is not English, invest too much time initially in the mechanics of writing (grammar, sentence structure, word selection, etc.) instead of focusing on the meaning of what they want to express, and then refining this through the organization of paragraphs and sentences until the ideal structure and words are determined. Simple Writing Process Guide The result: the bigger picture or ideas is often lost or lacks support and certain sections of text may even seem to be irrelevant or disconnected even though their technical structure may be well formed. One way to solve this problem is through a continuous process of writing, revising and editing of the text as it develops so as to avoid the production of blocks of unconnected text. Writing ...

How to Make Your Dissertation or Thesis Easier to Read

Dissertation Writing – Metatext & Signposting If you are an international postgraduate student, you may have limited experience of extended writing such as that required for a dissertation. You may also find it a challenge to determine the research topic if you have previously been assigned these by tutors or supervisors. This is why initial planning of your dissertation or thesis is so important, as discussed in a previous post . A key point to remember that when producing such a lengthy piece of written work, you have a responsibility to the reader – it is your responsibility to guide the reader through the text and ensure they understand the significance of each section in relation to other sections so they can comprehend the foundation and logic behind what you argue and also how the flow of what you present logically arrives at the conclusions made based on the research findings. This requires a degree of explicitness in writing which many students do not possess or may st...

How to Prepare a Thesis or Dissertation That Won't Be Rejected

How to Prepare Your Thesis or Dissertation What does a university or examiner expect of a thesis or dissertation? Often a thesis or dissertation may need to be written in a different style depending on the field of study, as universities normally apply similar criteria when examining theses or dissertations submitted. It is common for universities to send examiners a list of criteria as a guide for examiners responsible for assessing the theses or dissertations of students. The criteria often vary, based on to the level of study related to the thesis or dissertation. However, the following are common criteria applied in such cases, and students should bear these in mind. Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of previous relevant research on the chosen topic Present a critical review/analysis of previous research on the chosen topic Present a clear, well defined and comprehensive investigation of the chosen topic Demonstrate the application of appropriate research...

6 Common Dissertation Problems – And How to Solve Them!

Dissertation Writing Help There are many possible reasons why students experience difficulty in finishing their dissertation. Here are 6 of the most common reasons for dissertation struggles – and what you can do to overcome them and get your dissertation finished successfully. 1. It’s overwhelming You might get bogged down simply because the task of dissertation writing seems to be too much; you can’t even imagine how to begin! The solution is to take your dissertation and break it down into smaller bite-sized chunks that you can deal with more easily. First, think about chapters, then break each chapter down into sections, and take those sections and break them down into sub-sections or paragraphs. Trying to write a paragraph or section is much easier than trying to visualize an entire finished dissertation. 2. Deadlines You may have a long deadline, but this can lull you into a false sense of security, thinking you have plenty of time to get your dissertation f...