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IELTS Writing How to Answer Task 2 - Foreign Language

Essay Writing    |  IELTS 9 Task 2  |  Experts believe children should learn a foreign language at primary school In some countries, schools teach foreign languages to primary school children Do the advantages of teaching foreign languages to young learners outweigh the disadvantages? Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning a Foreign Language Essay IELTS Writing Task 2 There is no doubt that learning a foreign language is beneficial for children. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider before deciding whether or not to teach foreign languages in primary schools. One advantage of teaching foreign languages to young learners is that it can help improve their cognitive skills. Studies have shown that children who learn foreign languages tend to be better problem-solvers and more creative thinkers than those who don’t. Another benefit of early language learning is that it improves students’ academic performance. Research has shown that students who study a f