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IELTS Essay: Traffic Pollution, Cities, Sustainable Public Transport

IELTS Writing Task 2 Some people believe that governments should be responsible for solving the problems of traffic and pollution in cities. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this, and give your own opinion? Give reasons for your answers and use examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. International English Language Testing System Traffic Pollution Essay Sample Answer While there is no doubt that solutions need to be found to combat growing traffic problems and pollution in the urban environment, should this be the sole responsibility of the government? Clearly, the answer is yes, for the reasons which are outlined below. Firstly, public roads are essential infrastructure, funded by the government, and, as such, can only be optimally controlled by the government or an agency authorized by the government. No individual or private company can simply implement traffic calming measures or traffic restrictions; such actions r