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Social Media Essay | More Advantages or Disadvantages?

Key Points Social media essay Advantages of social media essay Disadvantages of social media essay Social Media Essay - Advantages and Disadvantages of Social media IELTS Writing Task 2 Nowadays, people are affected by social media and the Internet. Is it a good or a bad trend in your opinion? / social media essay question Social Media Essay Is social media a good or a bad trend in your opinion? The internet and social media have become an integral part of the lives of most people. It is undeniable the significant impact such innovations have had on daily life. Similar to most aspects of culture and society which change over time, there are benefits and drawbacks related to the prevalence of the internet, and social media sites in particular. Access to the internet on a global scale has empowered many people to be able to achieve much more than they were able to previously. Internet-related technology, platforms, and s