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How to Use Prepositions for Describing Graphs and Statistics

Describing Statistics in English | Describing Data, Tables, Graphs, Information Let's delve into some essential prepositions used when describing statistics, complete with examples and explanations for each: Prepositions to describe statistics On : This preposition is used when referring to specific dates or days. Example: "On December 1st, the company saw a 20% increase in sales." Here, 'on' is used to indicate the specific day when the increase occurred. In : This is used with months, years, seasons, and periods of time. Example: "In 2020, e-commerce sales skyrocketed." Here, 'in' is used to specify the year when the increase in e-commerce sales happened. At : This is used with particular points of time, including clock times. Example: "At the end of the financial year, profits were up by 10%." Here, 'at' indicates the exact point in time when the profits were calculated. : T