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Get the IELTS App to Help You Pass the Exam!

Need to Pass the IELTS test? Get the App! If you need to take this international English language test for study or immigration purposes, it can be a real challenge! Even if your English level is good, and you are confident, it is important to know the critical information about IELTS. Are you planning to study in the US, UK, Canada or Australia? If you are a non-native speaker of English, you will probably need to take IELTS as part of the application process. To help you, and other international students, the British Council have developed a special IELTS app and online course to help prepare for the IELTS exam. The good news is, they are both free! The app and online course help prepare international students to do the IELTS exam. IELTS is the most common international English proficiency test and is recognized worldwide. Last year, more than three million people did the IELTS exam across the world. IELTS is an internationally accepted English language proficiency t

Writing an Essay? The 6 Steps You Need to Know

Types of essays Narrative essays - in this type of essay, the author tells a series of events or a story of his life. It is written in the third person for objective narration and in the first person for autobiographical narration. Critical essays - weaknesses or strong points of the topic are discussed. It analyses facts and ideas, whether historical, artistic or sociological. Exposition essays - expose information so that other people know or learn about a topic. This requires having abundant and updated information about what is going on at present in relation to the topic. Essay structure An essay deals with a topic, developed through paragraphs. If the essay is extensive it may have more than one paragraph in the introduction. When a writer finishes discussing an idea and is ready to start another, he often uses a short paragraph to intertwine two ideas. This is a transition paragraph. It refers to what has been said and suggests what will be said. Finally, the closi

Are you preparing for IELTS? Free Apps to download for IELTS

Are you preparing for IELTS? Use these free IELTS apps to help you. Are you planning to do the IELTS test? Do you want to practice anywhere and anytime using high-quality IELTS preparation materials? Then, download these FREE IELTS preparation apps. IELTS PREPARATION APP This focuses on the Listening and Speaking parts of the test, the app will also help you expand your vocabulary, practice grammar and understand what to do on test day. You can improve your grammar knowledge by doing the exercises in the app. The app also has Listening and Speaking practice tests. You can also watch videos of IELTS Speaking interviews between the candidate and IELTS examiner. You can track your progress with the IELTS Prep App. The app explains the IELTS assessment criteria. If you understand the criteria - you will know if you can get the IELTS score you need. Download for: iOS | Android IELTS WORD POWER This app has more than 100 questions. You can test your vocabulary with this a