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Pollution Essay

Essay Writing Help   >  Essay on Industrial Pollution Pollution Essay Industrial pollution has increased in many parts of the world Some people believe the most effective solution is to tax the organizations that cause such pollution. Other people argue that there are alternative ways to control the situation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Discover: Essential Writing Vocabulary Pollution Essay Essay Answer: Here is an example essay answer to the question about industrial pollution and if taxing offenders would help reduce it. Industrial pollution is one of the most significant environmental problems facing the world today. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, releases harmful chemicals into the atmosphere, causing air pollution. This pollution is a major contributing factor to global warming, which is having devastating effects on our planet. While industries in some parts of the world are producing more pollution th

Environmental Issues Essay

Environmental issues such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world The challenges of climate change are not specific to one country; they exist globally. Although governments need to implement global solutions to address these difficulties, few viable plans exist. Why is there a limited number of answers? How can these problems be overcome or remedied? Environmental Issues Essay No region in the world remains unaffected by climate change and environmental issues such as pollution and overpopulation. Despite some global efforts to solve these environmental concerns, they have been unsuccessful thus far. Why? Because of the lack of international cooperation between countries to address the issue. The issue does not affect them immediately or directly and, hence, is not a pressing concern. For instance, The Kyoto Protocol only includes rich countries and expired in 2012 with no revision date in sight. Although many people worldwide agree that act

Talk About Something You Can Do To Help The Environment

In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test you are given a topic like the one below. You are allowed 1 minute to plan and prepare what you want to say. Then the IELTS examiner will ask you to talk about it for between 1 and 2 minutes. The longer you can speak - the better. Example IELTS speaking environment cue card IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about something you can do to help the environment You should say: - what it is - how you do it - how you would suggest to somebody to do it International English Language Testing System Sometimes the topic is the same but the cue card is worded as: Describe how you try to help the environment Describe an environmental problem that has been in the news. Describe a person who helps protect the environment Describe an environmental problem that has occurred in your country or similar. So, let's dive in and look at ... 5 ways to help the environment? One way you can help the env

What Can Be Done to Prevent Places of Natural Beauty Becoming Littered with Garbage?

Essay Sample Answer While the problem of littering is common in many parts of the environment, the impact it has on the natural landscape when it occurs in places of natural beauty is even greater, both in terms of the direct environmental impact and aesthetic quality of the site. There are various possible reasons why littering might occur. It might be caused by visitors to the area who have no interest in maintaining the beauty of the landscape, or lack environmental consciousness regarding the damage they are inflicting. It may also be the case that it is not the actual visitors to the place, but others who are actively dumping garbage at the site as opposed to disposing of it in the recommended manner. Another cause could be the transfer of waste materials from surrounding areas. This can be caused by garbage being deposited in a river upstream from a lake, for example, and the current then transports the garbage and eventually deposits it at a different location. Wind can al