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Cambridge 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2 - Increasing the Price of Petrol

IELTS 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems - Do you agree or disagree?

Cambridge 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing How To Answer Cambridge 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2 Question

How would you answer this essay question about increasing the price of petrol, traffic and pollution?

  • What traffic problems are there in your country?
  • Who should solve traffic problems?
  • Will traffic problems be better or worse in the future? Why?

Some people think increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problemsEssay Key Words: IELTS Book 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2, increasing the price of petrol, the best way, solve, traffic, pollution, problems, IELTS writing, reduce, example, essay, agree/disagree essay template, causes, solutions

Cambridge 8 Writing Task 2 Test 3

Authentic IELTS practice tests - Cambridge 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2.

Is Increasing The Price Of Petrol The Best Way To Solve Growing Traffic And Pollution Problems?

Increasing the Price of Petrol IELTS Task 2 Sample Essay Answer

Increased traffic on our roads and concern for the environment are hot topics at the moment, and so they should be as they directly impact our mobility and future. We can expect further traffic increases in major cities as populations grow and developing countries become wealthier.

While increasing petrol prices directly impacts all who use the road, it is no long-term solution for solving traffic or pollution problems. As we have seen, previous increases in the cost of petrol have not meant that traffic is now moving freely in the present. The normal sequence of events is something along the lines of oil companies increasing prices, transport companies and businesses simply passing on the increase to the consumer, and consumers tightening their belts a little and swallowing the increase.

Recent technology applied to car manufacturing and inner-city traffic restrictions have probably had more impact on reducing traffic emissions and flow in urban areas than. While people traveling on vacation or in their free time to visit family or friends may think twice about using their own cars, the vast bulk of daily traffic on the roads consists of commuters, people going to and from work, and commercial transport. Whether they travel by car, bus or motorcycle, these people have few options when faced with a petrol price increase; therefore, we can hardly expect the volume of traffic to reduce drastically unless we also accept expect people to stop going to work.

We have already seen the success of technology in cars when it comes to reducing air pollution and increasing energy efficiency, and this probably holds the best hope for the future. Reasonable and conscious use of private cars by people should continue to be encouraged. While inner-city traffic restrictions on private cars have had some success in reducing pollution, additional restrictions could well lead to other problems. For example, it could lead to further decay of local high street retail trade, which has already been severely affected by out-of-town shopping malls and online shopping.

IELTS writing how to solve growing traffic and pollution problems

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems will vary from city to city. However, some general things that could be done include:

  • Making public transportation more accessible and affordable
  • Creating incentives for people to carpool or use other forms of shared transportation
  • Making it easier and more affordable for people to walk or bike to their destinations
  • >Encouraging more electric cars
  • Encouraging businesses to adopt green policies and practices, such as using energy-efficient lighting or recycling programs.

Advantages of increasing the price of petrol to solve growing traffic pollution

There are a few advantages to fuel prices as an effective strategy to reduce traffic pollution.

Firstly, it would create a financial incentive for people to choose more environmentally-friendly modes of transportation, such as biking or public transit.

Secondly, it would help to reduce traffic congestion, which would, in turn, lead to fewer emissions from cars and trucks.

Finally, it would generate revenue for governments that they could use to fund public transportation initiatives and other environmental programs.

Disadvantages of increasing the price of petrol to solve growing traffic pollution

There are a few disadvantages to implementing higher fuel costs to solve growing traffic and pollution issues.

First, it would disproportionately impact low-income people, who are already struggling economically, unless attractive and affordable alternatives are offered.

Second, it could cause a recession as people have less money to spend on other things.

And third, it wouldn't solve the problem of traffic pollution – people would find other ways to get around, such as driving more congested routes or using public transport services.

So, while increasing the price of petrol to deter private car use is one potential solution to growing traffic pollution and to improving air quality, there are also several drawbacks to consider.

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