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Can International Collaboration Solve The World's Urgent Problems?

Some of the most urgent problems in the world have not yet been solved. Is international collaboration the answer? IELTS Writing Samples IELTS Writing Task 2 Key terms: most, urgent, problems, solved, international, collaboration, global, world, extent, agree, disagree, today, Geopolitical Points to Consider Nuclear proliferation destroys stability, which undercuts the ideologies and populations of non-proliferation countries (like Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Japan). Climate change is a world-wide problem with no borders that everyone contributes to and will effect every country. The secretive nature of fossil fuel markets make it difficult to track where carbon emission reductions needs to happen. Conflict between nations could develop as access to resources decreases but ideologies stay the same or increase. Resource scarcity also often leads to war. Trade disputes also create conflict when world leaders pursue their own interests rather than thinking about internatio

IELTS Essay: Traffic Pollution, Cities, Sustainable Public Transport

IELTS Writing Task 2 Some people believe that governments should be responsible for solving the problems of traffic and pollution in cities. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this, and give your own opinion? Give reasons for your answers and use examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. International English Language Testing System Traffic Pollution Essay Sample Answer While there is no doubt that solutions need to be found to combat growing traffic problems and pollution in the urban environment, should this be the sole responsibility of the government? Clearly, the answer is yes, for the reasons which are outlined below. Firstly, public roads are essential infrastructure, funded by the government, and, as such, can only be optimally controlled by the government or an agency authorized by the government. No individual or private company can simply implement traffic calming measures or traffic restrictions; such actions r

Pollution essay - Restrict air travel because it causes pollution

Essay Writing Help Pollution Essay Pollution Essay Topic Air travel produces significant pollution and depletes the world's fuel resources, so it should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Pollution Essay Answer While undoubtedly air travel is a major source of pollution and a drain on fuel resources, the idea that it should be restricted is both implausible and impractical. However, that is not to say that greater efficiency through improved technology should not be sought to attempt to reduce the impact of air travel on the environment and increase fuel efficiency. In reality, there is no stronger argument for restricting air travel than there is for restricting the pollution caused by other sources such as international maritime shipping, industry, and other commercial activities, which are estimated to cause even greater pollution than air travel. Nowadays, there seems to be an emphasis on the individual having to adapt or modify th

Cambridge 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2 - Increasing the Price of Petrol

IELTS 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2 Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems - Do you agree or disagree? Cambridge 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2 IELTS Writing How To Answer Cambridge 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2 Question How would you answer this essay question about increasing the price of petrol, traffic and pollution? What traffic problems are there in your country? Who should solve traffic problems? Will traffic problems be better or worse in the future? Why? Essay Key Words: IELTS Book 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2, increasing the price of petrol, the best way, solve, traffic, pollution, problems, IELTS writing, reduce, example, essay, agree/disagree essay template, causes, solutions Cambridge 8 Writing Task 2 Test 3 Authentic IELTS practice tests - Cambridge 8 Test 3 Writing Task 2 . Is Increasing The Price Of Petrol The Best Way To Solve Growing Traffic And Pollution Problems? Increasing the Price o

Pollution Essay

Essay Writing Help   >  Essay on Industrial Pollution Pollution Essay Industrial pollution has increased in many parts of the world Some people believe the most effective solution is to tax the organizations that cause such pollution. Other people argue that there are alternative ways to control the situation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Discover: Essential Writing Vocabulary Pollution Essay Essay Answer: Here is an example essay answer to the question about industrial pollution and if taxing offenders would help reduce it. Industrial pollution is one of the most significant environmental problems facing the world today. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, releases harmful chemicals into the atmosphere, causing air pollution. This pollution is a major contributing factor to global warming, which is having devastating effects on our planet. While industries in some parts of the world are producing more pollution th

Environmental Issues Essay

Environmental issues such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world The challenges of climate change are not specific to one country; they exist globally. Although governments need to implement global solutions to address these difficulties, few viable plans exist. Why is there a limited number of answers? How can these problems be overcome or remedied? Environmental Issues Essay No region in the world remains unaffected by climate change and environmental issues such as pollution and overpopulation. Despite some global efforts to solve these environmental concerns, they have been unsuccessful thus far. Why? Because of the lack of international cooperation between countries to address the issue. The issue does not affect them immediately or directly and, hence, is not a pressing concern. For instance, The Kyoto Protocol only includes rich countries and expired in 2012 with no revision date in sight. Although many people worldwide agree that act

Pollution Essay - How can governments reduce the amount of rubbish?

Essay Writing Essay on Pollution by waste What can governments do to reduce the amount of rubbish? Pollution Essay Essay Writing Task Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish Why is this happening? What can governments do to reduce pollution caused by the amount of rubbish we produce? Pollution Essay Why Are We Producing More And More Rubbish? The problem of rubbish is not a new phenomenon; however, the quantity now being produced is cause for concern. Part of this is because we are now more enlightened as to how we dispose of rubbish and the effects it has on environmental pollution. Traditionally in the UK, landfill sites and incineration plants have been the two most widely used methods of eliminating rubbish. Both methods have some advantages, but they also cause additional problems and negatively impact our environment through air pollution, soil pollution, and land pollution. For example, landfills are already overcrowded and c

Essay About Recycling - Do We Need More Recycling Laws?

Essay Writing Essay on Recycling Are laws needed to make people recycle more of their waste? Recycling Essay Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste? Source: Cambridge IELTS 11 Writing Test 3 Task 2 Essay on Recycling Domestic Waste Are laws needed to make people recycle more of their waste? Waste management policies and practices concerning domestic waste have developed rapidly in recent years; however, the overall success of such recycling initiatives relies heavily on participation by the public. The best option to ensure full cooperation is introducing relevant legislation, making it compulsory for households to recycle certain items. Recycling is no longer a new concept. The public has been informed and encouraged to

Essay on pollution: How Can We Reduce Industrial Pollution?

Essay Writing Help   >  Essay on how to reduce industrial pollution IELTS Writing Test Task 2 Essay You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that an effective method to reduce industrial pollution is to tax the companies which cause it. Others think that there are better ways to do combat the problem. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. Sample Essay Answer Pollution, in general, is a big problem, but industrial pollution accounts for the majority of pollution caused worldwide. It is therefore essential to seek methods to reduce it to more sustainable levels. In many countries, governments implement restrictive taxation regulations. This is done in an attempt to encourage industries to consider less polluting methods of conducting their operations. This, however, does not tackle the essence of the problem. It