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Writing Practice for IELTS: What Should Teachers Teach Students?

Writing Practice for IELTS

What should teachers be responsible for teaching to students?

This is a question that has been debated for many years. There are some who believe that teachers should only be responsible for teaching academics, while others believe that teachers should also be responsible for teaching morals and values.

Which side of the debate do you fall on?

Writing Practice for IELTS -Teacher Essay
Writing Practice for IELTS | Role of teachers in society | Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Here is a sample IELTS Writing Task 2 question and an example answer.

Writing Tips

  • You need to write an essay in response to the task question with a minimum word count of 250 words.
  • You should allow about 40 minutes for this task.
  • It is critical to carefully read the question and what you need to do.
  • Does the question require you to explain your own views? Argue in favor or against a point of view? Describe a solution for a problem?.

Essay Writing Practice for IELTS

Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion
CATEGORY: Education Essay, Teacher Essay, Society Essay

Sample Answer

Undoubtedly, there is a need for children to learn the difference between what is considered right and wrong, and learn acceptable social behavior in order to become part of a cohesive society with shared values. How children should develop this awareness and judgment is debatable, with some people in favor of teachers and the education system being responsible for this facet of child development while others believe that the education system should focus principally on the teaching of academic skills and subject matter to children.

The primary concern of teachers and the education system in general has to be the teaching of numeracy, literacy and the common body of knowledge deemed necessary for children so that they may develop the necessary skills and knowledge to equip them for life and living in society as a whole. This clearly goes beyond simply the teaching of academic subjects, and includes an element of teaching good, correct, acceptable social norms and behavior, leading to children developing the ability to judge for themselves, based on a commonly shared value system, whether something is in fact right or wrong.

On the other hand, in the case that teachers do not carry the responsibility for educating children regarding right and wrong and what is considered to be acceptable behavior by society, it begs the question of who would be responsible for this essential task. If left to parents, who are the obvious choice, this could lead to a wide disparity in terms of the supposed shared value system which a generation adopts, as the varying influences of parents clearly have the potential to provide conflict, or at least confusion, regarding what is or is not right, wrong, acceptable or unacceptable.

Overall, the idea that teachers, who after all are qualified professional educators, are not the best choice for teaching such skills does not carry much weight. They are surely better suited to the task than many parents, and while the rights of parents to bring up their children based on their own personal beliefs should never be infringed upon, there is no real conflict presented simply by educating children regarding social norms and standards in a uniform manner within the regular educational curriculum.

How would you answer this IELTS teacher essay question about some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge right and wrong and behave well?

  • What examples and reasons would you use?
  • How would you organise your essay?

What Should Teachers Teach Their Students?

The role of the teacher is always evolving. As our society changes, so does the need for adaptable educators. But what, exactly, should teachers be teaching their students? Below are three essential skills that all teachers should work to instill in their students.

How to Think Critically

In an ever-changing world, it's more important than ever for students to know how to think critically. Teachers should provide their students with opportunities to question the status quo and think outside the box. By learning how to think critically, students will be better equipped to handle whatever challenges they face in the future.

How to Find and Use Reliable Sources

In the age of fake news and misinformation, it's more important than ever for students to be able to find and use reliable sources. Teachers can help their students hone this skill by modeling how to conduct research and presenting different types of sources (e.g., primary, secondary, etc.). By teaching their students how to find reliable sources, teachers can help them become better-informed citizens.

How to Communicate Effectively

Communication is a critical skill that all students need to be successful in life. Whether it's communicating with peers or adults, written or verbal communication skills are essential. Teachers can help their students develop these skills by providing them with opportunities to practice, giving feedback, and modeling effective communication strategies.


Teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of our society. It is therefore essential that they focus on teaching their students essential skills that will help them succeed in life. These skills include how to think critically, how to find and use reliable sources, and how to communicate effectively. By teaching their students these skills, teachers can help them prepare for whatever challenges they may face in the future.

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