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Showing posts with the label learning english

How To Use Commas with Discourse Markers | Learning English

English Grammar | Using a comma with discourse markers To summarize, it's clear that renewable energy sources are vital for future sustainability. [correct] To summarize it's clear that renewable energy sources are vital for future sustainability. [incorrect] Considering for instance, the adoption of electric vehicles. [incorrect] Considering, for instance, the adoption of electric vehicles. [correct] Discourse markers Discourse markers are words or phrases that help connect ideas in a text. They are usually set apart from the rest of the text with commas. Typically , a comma follows a phrase or adverb that introduces a sentence. Furthermore , many individuals experience discrimination in their workplace. Conversely , the rate of unemployment has decreased. In conclusion , it's necessary for local councils to evaluate the expenses associated with recycling programs. Regrettably , all the tickets were sold out. Likewise , animals that live o...

EFSET English Test | FREE Online Standard Test

"The First Free Standardized English Tests Online" EFSET English test A game changer for IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and other leading English language tests In 2014, EF Education First started offering its EF Standard English Test (EF SET) for free. It was the world's first free standardized online English proficiency test. Every year, millions of people all over the world take English language tests and enroll in English programs. They do this to show they are good at English. This might be needed for university, studying abroad, moving up in their jobs, or for moving to another country. No Expensive Test Fees! Right now, the big English tests (IELTS, TOEFL. PTE, etc.) that people know about can cost about $300, and you have to take them at specific places and times. Often, people have to go to a different city or even a different country to take these tests. EFSET is a game changer and will impact heavily the two billion or so English language learners worldwi...

Lifestyle Vocabulary | Speaking English

English Speaking | Lifestyle Vocabulary A person's lifestyle (the way they live) typically shows their attitudes, values or view of the world. Most people refer to 'lifestyle' when they talk about eating habits and daily activities. Many people are encouraged to have a 'healthy lifestyle'. A healthy lifestyle means eating well, exercising and not developing bad habits such as smoking. Governments and other groups spend a lot of money on promoting a healthy lifestyle. Lots of factors may influence lifestyle: religion, culture, where you were born, your parents, what you like or dislike, things you are interested in, your health and the food you eat. If parents lead a healthy lifestyle, it is more likely that their children will also have healthy lifestyles. Your social environment can affect your lifestyle. Low income families are more likely to have unhealthy lifestyles, sometimes caused by stress and depression related to poverty. The place and condi...

English Reading | English Quiz | Vocabulary | Town & Country

English Vocabulary Quiz: Town and Country Vocabulary This quiz is suitable for testing English vocabulary for IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, FCE and other international English proficiency exams. Instructions Read through the text and choose the correct vocabulary option by clicking on the button at the left of the word you think is correct. When you finish, click on the 'get score' button to see your score and also see the correct answers in the box below. Good luck! QUIZ For almost eight years now I have lived in Alpha City, a metropolis , cosmopolitan , large , with over 20 million people living there. Like many other large cities, Alpha City is a melting pot , metropolis cosmopolitan city, where people from many different places around the world come to live and work together. While I have been here I have enjoyed the inner-city urban rural lifestyle and taken advantage of the excellent amenities atmoshpere nightlife , ranging from superb ...

Learning English Grammar | describing statistics | verbs

English Grammar | how to use verbs to describe statistics The birth rate has reduced over the past ten years. [incorrect] The birth rate has dropped over the past ten years. [correct] The graph shows a rise in the number of accidents involving cyclists. [correct] The graph represents a rise in the number of accidents involving cyclists. [incorrect] Common verbs used to describe graphs, charts and diagrams include: The chart/graph shows levels of post-school education in four countries. The diagram illustrates/represents the structure of the political system. The chart/graph compares average working hours in the USA and Europe. We can see from the chart/graph that the number of visitors peaks in August. Common verbs to describe figures and statistics include: The statistics/figures suggest that people in rural areas are healthier. The figure will increase further, reaching 6 million in 2020. Demand rose by 48% in just 2 years. [not raised by 48%] Time spe...

Learning English Grammmar | when do I use the passive verbs?

English Grammar | how to use passive verbs Many people have been died because of this disease. [incorrect] Many people have died because of this disease. [correct] This data took from 1982 and 1992. [incorrect] This data was taken from 1982 and 1992. [correct] With active verbs we usually use the following order: subject + verb + object . We use the passive when we want to put the object of the verb first: object + verb . Compare: The teacher told the students to close their books. = active (subject + verb + object) The students were told to close their books. = passive (object + verb) We use the passive: • when we want to make the object the focus of the sentence: The books were sold for a small profit at the school. (the focus is on the books, not the person selling them) Note that the verb (were) agrees with the object (the books). • when the context tells us who carried out the action: A law was introduced to help protect people in this situation. (we k...

IELTS common mistakes | prepositions after adjectives and nouns

My brother is good at sport but he is very bad at English. (correct) My brother is good in sport but he is very bad in English. (incorrect) The percentage in women attending university is increasing. (incorrect) The percentage of women attending university is increasing. (correct) Some adjectives are always followed by a specific preposition. At . We say you are bad at , good at or surprised at something: I was surprised at the number of people who came. About and with . We say you are angry about or pleased about something but angry with or pleased with a person: I am pleased about your new job. I was really angry with John. After disappointed we use about or with ; after worried we only use about : She was pretty disappointed with / about her exam results. I am worried about John. They are worried about the test. Some nouns are always followed by a specific preposition. In . We say decrease in, drop in , fall in , increase in , rise in : The...

IELTS Common Mistakes | verbs: stop, try, forget and remember

English Grammar | verb use: stop / try / forget / remember People should stop spending their money on the latest fashions. [correct] People should stop to spend their money on the latest fashions. [incorrect] The government tried stopping this plan but was not successful. [incorrect] The government tried to stop this plan but was not successful. [corrcet] Some verbs have a different meaning when they are followed by - ing or to + infinitive , Stop + -ing = to stop an activity. Stop + to + infinitive = to stop a previously mentioned activity in order to do something else. Compare: The boys stopped playing . The boys were playing and they stopped to watch a large truck go past. (= they stopped playing in order to watch the truck) Try + -ing = to attempt to solve a problem by doing something. Try + to + infinitive = to attempt and fail to do something. Compare: I tried turning the tap but the water still poured out. (I managed to turn the tap) I tried to turn...

Common Grammar Mistakes | gerund or infinitive after allow, advise, make suggest?

Gerund or infinitive after verbs My school does not allow us taking holidays during term. [incorrect] My school does not allow us to take holidays daring term. [correct] Our teacher suggested me to buy a good dictionary. [incorrect] Our teacher suggested I buy a good dictionary. [correct] Some verbs are followed by - ing if there is no object and by to + infinitive if there is a direct object - advise , allow , forbid , permit : The teacher allowed talking as long as it was in English. (no direct object) The teacher allowed us to talk as long as it was in English. ( us is the direct object) Make is followed by the infinitive without to : My boss made me wear a horrible uniform. (not made me to wear ) Note that the direct object must come between the verb and the infinitive: She allowed her dog to sit in the front of her car. (not She allowed to sit her dog ) In the passive, these verbs are followed by to + infinitive : be advised , be allowed , be for...

IELTS common mistakes | Verbs after adjectives and prepositions

Verbs after adjectives and prepositions Young children often feel shy to talk to adults. (incorrect) Young children often feel shy talking to adults. (correct) It is easy to understand why. (correct) It is easy understanding why. (incorrect) With feel + adjective we use the -ing form of the verb: New students do not always feel comfortable speaking English to other people. After be + adjective , too + adjective and adjective + enough , we use to + infinitive : I was happy to see her when she arrived. (not I was happy seeing her ) The lecture was easy enough to understand . (not enough easy or easy understanding ) After all prepositions ( about , by , from , for , in , of , without , etc.) we use the - ing form of the verb; we cannot use a clause (subject + verb): They celebrated their anniversary by organising a big party. Thank you for helping me so much with my studies. He opened the door without thinking about what would happen next. (not without he...

IELTS common mistakes | verb use: when do I use -ing or to + infinitive?

I just managed to avoid hitting the car in front of me. (correct) I just managed to avoid to hit the car in front of me. (incorrect) I want telling you a little about myself. (incorrect) I want to tell you a little about myself. (correct) We use to + infinitive after the following verbs: ask , afford , decide , deserve , help , hope , learn , offer , prepare , promise , refuse , seem , want , would like : Summer seems to arrive later and later these days. Nowadays most people would like to have more money. Learn how is also followed by to + infinitive : I want to learn how to drive before I go to university. After some verbs, we use - ing : avoid , carry on , consider , deny , enjoy , finish , give up , imagine , involve , keep , like , mind , practise , recommend , resist , suggest : I really enjoy watching movies at the cinema. (not enjoy to watch ) Look forward to is also followed by - ing : I look forward to hearing your reply. (not look forward to...

Learning English Grammar | auxiliary verbs do, be, have

How to use auxiliary verbs correctly in English Why they think this? [incorrect] Why do they think this? [correct] I not agree with this idea. [incorrect I do not agree with this idea. [correct] Do , be and have are called auxiliary verbs . This means that they help to change the main verb. Do is used with the infinitive to make negatives or questions: I don't agree. (not I not agree ) Do you agree? (not Are you agree? ) Do can be used with other question words: Why do you agree? (not Why you agree? ) Be is used with -ing verb forms to make the continuous tenses: I am studying English in Cambridge. (not I studying English ) Have is used with the past participle of the verb to make the perfect tenses: I have been here for three months. (not I am been here or I been here ) The auxiliary verb must agree with the subject of the verb: Does your mother drink tea? (not Do your mother drink tea? ) We make questions and negatives without do if anothe...

IELTS common mistakes | how to use 'the'

In the USA this situation is totally different (correct) In USA this situation is totally different (incorrect) The table shows number of people working in Britain in 1976 (incorrect) The table shows the number of people working in Britain in 1976 (correct) We use the • with countries or places where the name refers to a group: the United States, the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates, the UK • with superlatives: the best, the longest, the highest • with cardinal numbers: the first, the second, the third • when there is only one in the world: the environment, the internet, the sun • to refer to the only one in a particular area: the government, the police, the rive r • in the phrase: the same as We don't use the • with a single country or place: America, England, China • to talk about something in general. We use the plural if we are talking about something in general; we use the to identify one specific example. Compare: People with reading diffi...